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Nyt fra hydrofoilkommisionen

Hydrofoil kommisionen er igen blevet samlet siden september månede, fordi det har vist sig at den eksisterende box-regel har været for svag og har været grund til megen diskussion.

I korte træk siger vores regel 8 at hydrofoiler er forbudt, men det har været svært at definere hvad en hydrofoil er, og ikke mindst hvornår f.eks. et sværd begynder at være en hydrofoil. Derfor har vi haft en box-regel "på prøve" siden 2006, som siger at skråtstillede sværd ikke må gå ud over bådens maks. bredde når de er oppe og ikke må komme tættere på hinanden end 1,50 meter når de er helt nede. Diskussionen går så på at krumme sværd som er inden for box-regel vil kunne skabe mere hydrofoil effekt end skråtstillede lige sværd. Skal krumme sværd så forbydes???

Det står klart at kommisionen ikke kan nå at komme med en ny regel som vil kunne træde i kraft inden VM til januar, og da sejlere fra Europa og USA skal til at sende deres både afsted til VM i Australien nu, så er alt ved det gamle og op til målerne ved VM at afgøre om krumme sværd kan accepteres. Vores internationale formand har dog udsendt følgende til alle lande:

Dear Presidents,

As most of you know the work of the Hydrofoils Commission is running fast. In any case the reason we are working it is to propose a solution, at the WGM if possible, or also later, but in any case within 2009 spring.

We started the commission at the beginning of September. Containers from Europe to Belmont had to be shipped within October and time was certainly not enough to agree on a new rule, vote it and inform all members.

The most urgent decision now (but not the most important) is what to say to European and American competitors about the eligibility of their boats.

The steps that apply in measuring for 2009 WORLDS, are:

the Class Rules are to apply - see these on the IACA website

the Measurer will measure what can be measured and will make a decision about anything if it required. (Please, note carefully here an International Measurer is forbidden to make an interpretation of a Rule).

if a competitor does not like the decision made he or she can lodge a Protest against the decision to the International Jury at the event.

the Jury will take evidence and make and MAKE A FINAL DECISION THAT IS BINDING ON THE EVENT ONLY;

the Jury reports the circumstances of the decision to ISAF

At this stage and according to the current rule it will be difficult to exclude somebody with C boards, and that is the recommendation that IACA will send to the Measurement Committee. In any case, as everybody know the obligation remains on the competitor to be Class legal. The competitor must read the Rules and decide for himself and take a risk if he wants to push the Rule limits.

I kindly ask you all to forward this statement to all members.

Best regards
International A Class Association
Stefano Sirri – President